Building Comfort with Drasi
Imagine a hypothetical building management scenario where we have buildings with several floors, with each floor having several rooms. Each room has sensors that measure the following:
- Temperature
- CO2 levels
- Humidity
Each sensor logs its latest reading to a datastore.
Building a reactive dashboard
Imagine a metric called Comfort Level that is computed using the following simplified formula:
comfortLevel = trunc(50 + (temp - 72) + (humidity - 42) + if(CO2 > 500, (CO2 - 500) / 25, 0))
A range of 40 to 50 is considered acceptable: a value below 40 indicates that temperature and/or humidity is too low, while a value above 50 indicates that temperature, humidity, and/or CO2 levels are too high.
What would it take to build a reactive front end dashboard that would alert us if the comfort level of any floor, room or building goes out of the acceptable range of [40, 50]?
What if we could not modify the existing system in place?
Traditional Approaches
There could be multiple ways to solve this problem, some of which are listed below:
We could build an event driven architecture to build the dashboard.
- Sensor values are published as messages/events to a message broker (e.g., Kafka).
- If sensor is already writing to a store that has a change-log, we can push the log events to the message broker using platforms like Debezium.
- If not, we could consider writing custom Kafka Connect source that queries database for changes and transforms results into Kafka records.
- A stream processor subscribes to the sensor topics and runs calculations through a rule engine or scripting engine.
- This stream processor needs to maintain state to store previously values for metrics that did not change. For instance, an event with updated Co2 value still needs the existing values for temperature & humidity. Alternatively, the sensors can emit a snapshot of all readings together.
- Stream processors can be defined as declarative queries using SQL-like DSLs such as Kafka-Streams/KSQL or Flink SQL.
- The engine can load the comfort level formula from a central config store (e.g., a key-value store like Consul or etcd).
- Another stream processor (or set of stream processing queries in Kafka Streams/Flink) listens to computed comfort levels and aggregates them per room, floor, and building.
- Push to UI: The aggregated results are published to a WebSocket endpoint or a real-time query endpoint that the dashboard subscribes to.
- Highly reactive, event-driven flows.
- Dynamic and easily changeable logic through declarative queries.
- Real-time updates to the dashboard.
- More moving parts (message broker, stream processors, rule engines).
- Complexity in operating and maintaining the system.
We can also take a Microservices based approach to this problem.
- Data Store: All sensors must write their latest value to a data store.
- Ingestion Service: Collects raw sensor data from the data source. This data could be polled from the data source, or we could have triggers in the data store which can call an API of the ingestion service.
- Computation Service: Reads raw data and applies a formula. The formula could be in a plugin or loaded as a Python/Lua/JS script at runtime.
- Aggregation Service: Aggregates using plugins or configuration-based strategies.
- Push to UI: The aggregated results are published to a WebSocket endpoint or a real-time query endpoint that the dashboard subscribes to.
- Separation of concerns in microservices.
- Updating logic involves modifying a small plugin file or configuration, not the entire service.
- Scales well as the number of buildings/floors increases.
- If ingestion services polls the data source, a question of the correct polling frequency arises.
- If ingestion service is invoked by triggers in the data source, we then need changes in existing system and not all data sources might support triggers.
- Managing multiple services and their deployments comes with operational complexity.
- Need a mechanism to ensure plugin changes are safely deployed and versioned.
- Coordination between services may be more complex.
An alternative approach could involve using serverless functions.
- Store all sensor data in a time-series database.
- Define a serverless function (e.g., AWS Lambda, Azure Function) triggered periodically or by new data events calculates comfort level.
- The formula could be read from an S3 file, a parameter store, or a database table.
- Define separate functions for Aggregation - it can also reads its aggregation logic from a config source.
- Push to UI: The aggregated results are published to a WebSocket endpoint or a real-time query endpoint that the dashboard subscribes to.
- Very modular and easy to scale.
- Configuration-driven logic adjustments.
- Minimal code changes required, mostly config updates.
- Potentially higher latency due to function cold starts.
- Complex logic might require careful management of state and configs.
- Requires changing existing data store to one usable by Serverless functions.
Issues with Traditional Approaches
All of the approaches discussed so far have the following issues:
Modifications to existing systems
Many of the approaches discussed previously can require changes to the existing systems which, in the real world, may often be deemed too risky or simply not feasible.
- In event driven approach, we could use a changelog-connector for database that can get the changes into a message broker.
- In microservices approach, we need an ingestion service to which data changes must be pushed by some component.
- In serverless approach, we might require a specific type of data store compatible with serverless functions.
Implementation & Operational Overhead
To implement a reactive dashboard using any approach, following are things that will be required regardless of the approach we take:
- Some mechanism to push updates to the UI as they happen in the real world. For example, a SignalR hub.
- Something that pushes DB changes to our systems. For example, in the event driven scenario, we could use a Debezium connector to push the database changelog to message broker.
- We will also need a way to describe the comfort-level formulas and the alerting criterion (preferably in a declarative manner).
Beyond that, any additional components add implementation and operational overhead:
In the event-driven approach, we need to deploy and maintain a message broker (like Kafka) and its paraphernalia. We also need to have a Stream Processing Engine running (or an embedded stream processor).
With microservices approach, we add a significant overhead in implementing, deploying and maintaining multiple services and the communication channels between them. There are also questions about consistency across services that can arise.
Serverless approach may not work due to cold starts impacting the reactiveness of the dashboard.
Enter Drasi
What if we had a platform where we could make our existing systems reactive - without writing any code?
With Drasi, we can detect changes in our existing data source, write complicated alerting logic declaratively and get a reaction pushing those changes to our UI without writing any code.
Following is all we need to do to get a SignalR hub up and running:
- YAML file describing existing data source.
- YAML file(s) containing any alerts or computation logic (written in a
query). - YAML file describing the reaction we want - in this case a SignalR hub which will push updates to our UI.
This means, we can spend more time in focusing on how the dashboard UI will look, rather than worrying about implementing and operating new backend infrastructure.
Following is how the architecture looks like with Drasi:
|--Existing System--|
Sensors → PostgreSQL →→→→→→ Drasi Source → Drasi Queries → Drasi Reaction → Frontend
(config) (Declarative) (config)
|-----No Change-----|
Building Comfort with Drasi
The rest of this tutorial will guide us in setting up a mock building management scenario and demonstrate how we can get a Reactive Dashboard built for existing systems with just some config files and Cypher queries.
Tutorial Modes
You can follow along the steps below in a Github codespace, a VSCode Dev Container or your own Kubernetes environment.
The easiest way to follow along with this tutorial is to launch a Github Codespace using the link below. This will allow you to run the example application within your browser without setting up anything on your own machines.
This will open a page with some configuration options. Make sure that the
‘Branch’ selected is main
and set the ‘Dev Container configuration’ to
‘Building Comfort with Drasi’.

To follow along with a Dev Container, you will need to install:
- Visual Studio Code (or Insiders Edition)
- Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension
- docker
Next, clone the learning repo from Github, and open the repo in VS Code. Make sure that Docker daemon (or Docker Desktop) is running.
Once the solution is open in VS Code, follow these steps:
- Press Cmd + Shift + P (on MacOS) or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows or Linux) to launch the command palette.
- Select
Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container
. - Select the
Building Comfort with Drasi
option to launch this tutorial.
You need to have your own Kubernetes cluster setup. You can use any Kubernetes setup. For a local testing setup, you can choose one of alternatives like Kind, Minikube or k3d.
Make sure that kubectl
on your system points to your Kubernetes cluster.
You will also need python
and npm
Setup the Datastore
For this tutorial, let’s imagine that the datastore is a PostgreSQL DB. Below is the representation of the schema:
+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+
| Building | | Floor | | Room |
+--------------------+ +--------------------+ +--------------------+
| id (PK) | | building_id | | id (PK) |
| name | | id (PK) | | floor_id |
+--------------------+ | name | | name |
+--------------------+ | temperature |
| humidity |
| co2 |
Perform the following steps to setup a PostgreSQL database and load it with some sample data.
The container already has a K3D cluster with postgreSQL service running on it
with the port forwarded. Verify this by running psql
and checking that
three tables for Building, Floor and Room exist in the DB.
building-comfort-db=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | Building | table | test
public | Floor | table | test
public | Room | table | test
(3 rows)
The container already has a K3D cluster with postgreSQL service running on it
with the port forwarded. Verify this by running psql
and checking that
three tables for Building, Floor and Room exist in the DB.
building-comfort-db=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | Building | table | test
public | Floor | table | test
public | Room | table | test
(3 rows)
You need to have a PostgreSQL service running.
You can deploy the postgres.yaml
file located in the devops/data
This YAML file will deploy the service and also create the DB with 3 tables.
If you want to use an existing postgre instance, you can specify the connection
parameters in
located in the same directory.
You’ll also need to create a port-forward to make the Postgres service accessible on localhost.
Verify this by running psql
in a new terminal and checking that three tables
for Building, Floor and Room exist in the DB.
building-comfort-db=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | Building | table | test
public | Floor | table | test
public | Room | table | test
(3 rows)
Let’s use the scripts in the devops/data
directory to load the initial
dataset. Open a new terminal and use the following commands to execute the
script. Optionally, you can customize the number of buildings
you want, the number of floors you want in each building, and the desired
number of rooms per floor by changing the values in
You can confirm that the tables are now populated with some data using the
shell like so:
building-comfort-db=# Select * From "Room";
id | name | temperature | humidity | co2 | floor_id
room_01_01_01 | Room 01 | 70 | 40 | 10 | floor_01_01
room_01_01_02 | Room 02 | 70 | 40 | 10 | floor_01_01
room_01_02_01 | Room 01 | 70 | 40 | 10 | floor_01_02
room_01_02_02 | Room 02 | 70 | 40 | 10 | floor_01_02
Control Panel
To mock the physical sensors for our hypothetical scenario, we will setup a
Control Panel which can update the values in the datastore mimicking what
the sensors would have done. This is a combination of a simple Python Flask
backend exposing APIs that will be invoked by a NodeJS frontend. All the code
lives inside the control-panel
Open a new terminal and execute the following commands. This should start a simple server that can read from and write to the datastore.
By default this will start listening on port 58580 and expects the PostgreSQL
service to be available on localhost:5432. You can change these configs in
the .env
file in the control-panel/backend
Your backend server will listen on port 58580
. GitHub will expose the backend on a URL like https://<your-codespace-id>
where you need to plug in your codespace id.
For the control panel to be able to access it, we need to make its visibility Public

Here is how your port 58580 entry should look like in the Ports

For troubleshooting, you can check if data from the backend is accessible at https://<your-codespace-id>
as an example.
Your backend server will listen on port 58580
. These should be accessible on localhost
Your port will be automatically forwarded by VSCode. You can check this from the ports tab in VS Code.
For troubleshooting, you can check if data from the backend is accessible at http://localhost:58580/buildings/building_01/floors/floor_01_01/rooms
as an example.
Your backend server will listen on port 58580
. These should be accessible on localhost
No port forwarding is required for local setup.
For troubleshooting, you can check if data from the backend is accessible at http://localhost:58580/buildings/building_01/floors/floor_01_01/rooms
Take note of the URL at which your Control Panel backend is running.
It should look something like this:
where port should be 58580 unless changed.
Open the file control-panel/frontend/src/config.json
and provide the
crudApiUrl like so:
By default the backend runs on port 58580 on localhost. If you changed the
port, then please update the URL in control-panel/frontend/src/config.json
"crudApiUrl": "http://localhost:58580/"
By default the backend runs on port 58580 on localhost. If you changed the
port, then please update the URL in control-panel/frontend/src/config.json
"crudApiUrl": "http://localhost:58580/"
Open another terminal, navigate to the control-panel/frontend
directory and
launch the node frontend using the following steps.
Using the Control Panel
Your front end should start on port 3000
by default. GitHub will expose the
frontend on a URL like https://<your-codespace-id>
where you need to plug in your codespace id.
When the front end launches, you should see a pop up on the bottom right corner of your screen like this:

Click on the button to open it in browser.
If you’re unable to access the frontend, check the port at which frontend is
running. You can also open URL from the PORTS tab in the codespace. If the
backend uses a different port, update the URL in
Your backend server will listen on port 58580
and front end accessible on
port 3000
. These should be accessible on localhost
If you’re unable to access the frontend, check the port at which frontend is
running. You can also open URL from the PORTS tab in the dev container. If
the backend starts on a different port, please change the URL in
Your backend server will listen on port 58580
and front end accessible on
port 3000
. These should be accessible on localhost
If you’re unable to access the frontend, check the port at which frontend is
running. If the backend starts on a different port, please change the URL in
You should be able to see the Control Panel in your browser like this. You can change sensor values for any of the rooms using the controls.

You can fiddle with this UI to change sensor values for any room. This will update the database.
Configure Drasi
Now that we have setup our scenario with ability to mock sensors, let’s see how can we react to changes happening in the database using Drasi.
Your dev container has Drasi already installed and setup. Continue along with steps below.
Your dev container has Drasi already installed and setup. Continue along with steps below.
Ensure that your kubectl
points to your target Kubernetes cluster.
Install Drasi using the instructions here.
To summarize you can install the CLI using:
Next, install Drasi on your Kubernetes cluster, simply run the command:
Check the installation pages for any troubleshooting.
Drasi Source
Sources in Drasi provide connectivity to the systems that are sources of change. Learn more about Sources here.
In our example, it the postgreSQL DB is going to be modeled as a Drasi source.
The source-facilities.yaml
file in devops/drasi
directory creates a
source for our DB. If you’re using your own postgreSQL instance, you can
modify the connection params here.
Run the following command to create the Drasi source:
You can expect the following response:
✓ Apply: Source/building-facilities: complete
Sources may take a few moments to initialize. You can use the following convenient command to wait for it (up to 120 seconds) to come up:
Once a source is online you should be able to see it like so:
Following should be the output with nothing in the ‘Messages’ column:
building-facilities | true |
Troubleshooting the source
Check messages in output of drasi list source
For more details you can also use drasi describe source building-facilities
Check the logs of pods building-facilities-reactivator-xxxxx
. These are deployed under drasi’s namespace
(default: drasi-system) in your kubernetes cluster.
Continuous Queries
Continuous Queries are the mechanism by which you tell Drasi what changes to detect in source systems as well as the data you want distributed when changes are detected. You can read more about them here.
Query for the UI
Let’s create a query that provides all buildings, floors and rooms to the UI to
create the dashboard. For this we use the query-ui.yaml
file present in the
Synthetic Relationships
Note that in our Cypher query we want to relate the rooms to the floor and the building they are part of. This relation is expressed intuitively in the MATCH phrase of the Cypher query.
However, our existing datastore for sensor metrics may or may not have existing relationships. That is not a problem for Drasi because we can model “Synthetic Relationships” for use in our query.
In the above query for instance, PART_OF_FLOOR
is a synthetic relationship
that we use to inform Drasi that a room in the ‘Room’ table is connected to
(part-of) a floor in the ‘Floor’ table. This is specified in the joins
section of the YAML.
Likewise we have another synthetic relationship in the joins
section for
that connects floors to buildings.
Deploying the UI Query
The UI query seems to give all requisite information about the buildings, floors and rooms with their metrics for the UI to render. To apply this query we can use:
After this you can check if the query is deployed and is running successfully by running:
This should show the status of the query:
building-comfort-ui | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
More Queries
We can apply the following queries to achieve the desired functionality:
- To get floor-level comfort level and building-level comfort level
dynamically computed, we can use
file in the directorydevops/drasi
- To get the alerts for rooms, floors or buildings out of desired
comfort-level range, we can use the queries defined in
in the directorydevops/drasi
After this, you should have 6 queries running in total.
This can be seen by running drasi list query
building-comfort-ui | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
floor-comfort-level-calc | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
building-comfort-level-calc | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
building-alert | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
floor-alert | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
room-alert | default | | default-query-host-xxx-xxx | Running
SignalR Reaction
Reactions process the stream of query result changes output by one or more Drasi Queries and act on them. You can read more about Reactions here.
To implement a reactive UI, we can use any number of frameworks, and we would need something that can host a websocket for bidirectional communication with the frontend. This should also reliably fall back to ServerSentEvents (SSE) or long polling, ensuring broad support across different network and client configurations. One could use libraries like SignalR, Sockets.IO, Django Channels.
Drasi has a reaction for SignalR available. This simplifies the process, as a
simple YAML configuration enables a SignalR hub to push updates from any
Drasi query to the UI. Following is the config located in devops/drasi
directory that lists the queries we’re interested in exposing:
In the terminal where you’re in directory devops/drasi
, run the following
commands to have a SignalR Reaction deployed to your Drasi instance.
You can expect the following response:
✓ Apply: Reaction/building-signalr-hub: complete
Note that reactions might take some time to come up. You can use the following convenient command to wait for it (up to 120 seconds) to come up:
Once a reaction is online you should be able to see it like so:
Following should be the output with nothing in the ‘Messages’ column:
building-signalr-hub | true |
Troubleshooting the reaction
Check messages in output of drasi list reaction
For more details you can also use
drasi describe reaction building-signalr-hub
Check the logs of pods created for the services building-signalr-hub-gateway
These are deployed under drasi’s namespace (default: drasi-system) in your
kubernetes cluster. You should also investigate the logs of the pods
created for source which will have names like building-signalr-hub-xxxxx
Port forwarding for Dashboard
The Drasi reaction creates a Kubernetes service building-signalr-hub-gateway
in the namespace drasi-system
. This is the SignalR hub our frontend accessible within the Kubernetes cluster.
Since the Dashboard will run in your browser, you will need port forwarding. Run the following command in the terminal.
This will ensure that the SignalR hub can be accessed from localhost on port 8080.
Github will also automatically create URL like
. This port needs to be
made public by by right clicking on port 8080 on the PORTS
tab like so:

Once done, your 8080
port entry in PORTS
tab should look like this:

If all works well, you should be able to access the hub URL:
in your browser
and see Connection ID required
on a blank page.

VS Code will automatically forward port 8080 to localhost.
You should be able to access the hub URL:
in your browser and see
Connection ID required
on a blank page.
No extra step should be needed if you are going to run the realtime dashboard
locally. You should be able to access the hub URL:
in your browser and see
Connection ID required
on a blank page.
Realtime Dashboard
With the SignalR hub available we can write a reactive dashboard with ease. We are able to receive all changelog events from the data source in any frontend application.
The signalR-react package for Drasi
further simplifies development of a frontend in react.js. We have implemented
a simple reactive dashboard using this react package in the dashboard
An example dashboard shown in the screenshot below is available in the
directory. We have implemented this example dashboard in NodeJS
using the react components for Drasi and the source code is available in
directory. The same components are also
available for vue
Provide the URL of the signalR hub in dashboard/src/config.json
as follows. Replace port 8080
if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.
Replace port 8080
if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.
Replace port 8080
if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.
To launch the dashboard, open a new terminal and use the following commands
inside the dashboard
The reactive dashboard should be running on localhost at port 3001.
Github will forward it to a URL specific to your codespace like so:
The reactive dashboard should be running on localhost at port 3001.
Access it at http://localhost:3001
The reactive dashboard should be running on localhost at port 3001.
Access it at http://localhost:3001

Testing the reactiveness
We now have built a reactive dashboard that should respond to any changes in sensor measurements. To demonstrate reactiveness of the dashboard, we have setup a simple webpage that splits the screen between the newly built dashboard and the control panel.
Check if the URLs for both control-panel and dashboard frame are correct in
the file index.html
in root directory of the project. Update the ports if
using different ones.
Right click on the file and select Open in Live Server

This should expose a new port and open the corresponding URL created by Github codespaces. Open this URL:
Check if the URLs for both control-panel and dashboard frame are correct in
the file index.html
in root directory of the project. Update the ports if
using different ones.
Right click on the file and select Open in Live Server

Check if the URLs for both control-panel and dashboard frame are correct in
the file index.html
(at root folder for building-comfort
). Update the
ports if using different ones.
Open this file path in your browser using URL path like this:
You should now be able to see this UI for playing with the reactive dashboard:

Try the following steps:
- Click on the “Break” button for any room in the Control Panel.
- Observe that the dashboard shows the changes in sensor values immediately.
- Observe the comfort alerts on left side of the dashboard.

Feel free to try any sensor values for any number of rooms and see how alerts are generated dynamically.
Congratulations! You were able to build a reactive dashboard UI for the building management scenario using Drasi. Let’s reflect on the journey we’ve been on.
Work with existing systems
We did not need to make any changes to the existing system we had setup with
sensors and the data store (Postgres). We were able to add the existing
Postgres instance as a Source
in Drasi which opened the system to queries.
This source was created using a YAML file which simply describes the
connection parameters of the datastore.
Synthetic Relationships in Drasi also helped us express the hierarchy between Rooms, Floors and Buildings.
No Code
Adding the source in Drasi opened up the world of Continuous Queries. We were
able to write the queries for Comfort Level
in a declarative Cypher query
without worrying about implementation. Using declarative Cypher query, we
could intuitively express the business logic of the changes we wanted to
Drasi can represent one or more existing data sources as Graphs which can be linked together using Synthetic Relationships.
With the SignalR hub giving us data about Buildings, Floors and Rooms, the dashboard instantly reflects any new entities added to the monitoring system. If we fiddle with the Control Panel to mock changes in sensor measurements, we can see clearly that the dashboard reacts to it instantly.
With this hypothetical scenario we are able to see how Drasi can help us build reactive systems out of existing systems. Learn more about "Why Drasi?" here.
What’s next?
You can try the next guided tutorial in our series that demonstrates additional capabilities of Drasi - multiple data sources & reacting to non-events. The Curbside Pickup tutorial will guide you using a scenario of Curbside Pickup management for a Store.
Here are some additional resources:
- Learn more about Drasi sources here.
- Learn more about Continuous queries here.
- Learn more about Drasi Reactions here.