Curbside Pickup with Drasi

Learn how to use Drasi to power reactive dashboards over multiple data sources


Imagine a hypothetical scenario where a store operating curbside pickup for customer orders.

The order information is stored in a PostgreSQL database and it includes:

  • Customer Name
  • Driver Name
  • Pickup Vehicle Plate
  • Order Status

When the retail team is ready with an order, they can mark the Order status as “Ready”. The PostgreSQL database reflects the realtime state of orders.

An independent MySQL database stores information about vehicles arriving at the store in real time. When the drivers get assigned to an order, they register the following details, which gets added to the database.

  • Pickup Vehicle Plate
  • Vehicle Make
  • Vehicle Model
  • Vehicle Color
  • Vehicle Location

When the driver moves to the “Curbside Pickup” zone, they update their “Location” to “Curbside”. The MySQL database reflects the realtime state of the vehicles.

We can also imagine a delivery staff that takes the orders that are marked as “Ready” to their drivers when they are at the pickup zone on the curbside.

Order Delivery

Let us say we want to build a reactive front end dashboard that would alert the delivery staff when an order is ready and is matched to a driver who has arrived at the curbside pickup zone. The dashboard should get dynamically updated as the vehicle location changes or when the order status changes.

What would it take to build such a reactive dashboard that has incoming data from two different databases?

Delayed Orders

What if we also wanted a dashboard that can alert the retail backend team when the pickup driver has been waiting in the curbside zone and the order has not been ready for more than a fixed amount of time?

How would we build such a dashboard?

Traditional Approaches

Regardless of the approach we take, the front-end component of the dashboard can be a single-page application built using React, Vue, Angular, etc and it needs realtime updates which can be achieved in one of three ways:

  1. Web Sockets
  2. Server Sent Events
  3. Long polling

We would also need a backend that powers such subscriptions for the front-end. This could be handled by Sockets.IO, Pusher or a hub-based backend like SignalR.

But how do we generate the realtime notifications for both dashboards? We can explore two different approaches for that below.

Polling for changes

In this approach, a dashboard application periodically queries both databases, joins the data in the application layer, and evaluates the conditions for each dashboard.

  • Components

    • Backend Application:

      • Polls the PostgreSQL database for order data (e.g., every 10 seconds).
      • Polls the MySQL database for vehicle data (e.g., every 10 seconds).
      • Joins the datasets in memory using the Pickup Vehicle Plate as the key.
      • Evaluates conditions and generates alerts.
    • Frontend Dashboard:

      • Web application that queries the backend via API or receives updates via polling/websockets.
      • Displays alerts to delivery staff and retail backend team.
    • Order Delivery Dashboard Logic

      • Query PostgreSQL for orders where Order Status = ‘Ready’.
      • Query MySQL for vehicles where Location = ‘Curbside’.
      • Match records by Pickup Vehicle Plate.
      • Send matched pairs as alerts to the delivery staff dashboard.
    • Delayed Orders Dashboard Logic

      • Query MySQL for vehicles where Location = ‘Curbside’.
      • For each vehicle, retrieve the corresponding order from PostgreSQL.
      • Check the timestamp of the location update (assuming MySQL records when Location changes to “Curbside”).
      • Calculate waiting time (current time - arrival timestamp).
      • If waiting time exceeds the threshold (e.g., 5 minutes) and Order Status ≠ “Ready”, send an alert to the retail backend dashboard.
  • Assumptions

    • The MySQL database includes a timestamp for location updates to track arrival time at “Curbside”.
Screenshot showing configuration for Codespaces
  • Pros

    • Simplicity: Easy to implement with basic application logic and standard database queries.
    • No Additional Infrastructure: Relies on existing databases and a simple web app.
  • Cons

    • Inefficiency: Frequent polling increases database load, especially with short intervals.
    • Latency: Long polling intervals (e.g., 30 seconds) may delay alerts, reducing real-time responsiveness.
    • Scalability: Does not scale well with high order/vehicle volumes due to repeated queries.
    • Timestamp Dependency: Requires the MySQL database to log location update timestamps, which may need schema changes if not already present.

Streaming Processing

This approach leverages change data capture (CDC) to get real-time data streams from both databases into a message broker. These streams are then processed by a stream processing system, to detect conditions and push updates to the separate topics in the message broker. These topics are then consumed by a backend service which can push updates to a websocket service to power the dashboards.

  • Components

    • Change Data Capture (CDC):
      • PostgreSQL: Use Debezium to capture changes via logical decoding.
      • MySQL: Use Debezium to capture changes via binlog streaming.
    • Message Broker:
      • Apache Kafka with following topics:
        • order_changes: Streams order updates from PostgreSQL.
        • vehicle_changes: Streams vehicle updates from MySQL.
        • matched_orders: Stores the output for matched orders.
        • delayed_orders: Stores output for delayed orders.
    • Stream Processing:
      • Need a stream processing engine like Flink.
      • Must utilize concepts like Temporal Joins, Watermarks, Interval Joins, and Dynamic Tables in Flink (or equivalent in other engines).
      • We explore how one would write a Flink SQL job for the delivery dashboard here.
      • We explore how one would write a Flink SQL job for the delay dashboard here.
  • Assumptions

    • MySQL and PostgreSQL support CDC (via tools like Debezium).
    • The system can access current timestamps for vehicle location changes.
Screenshot showing configuration for Codespaces
  • Pros

    • Near Real-Time: Alerts are generated with minimal latency.
    • Efficiency: Reduces database load by using CDC rather than polling.
    • Scalability: Handles high data volumes with distributed streaming platforms like Kafka.
    • Flexibility: Easily extends to additional conditions or dashboards.
  • Cons

    • Requires setting up CDC, Kafka, and stream processing, which involves more components and expertise.
    • Needs additional systems (Kafka, stream processor), increasing deployment overhead.
    • Need to consider event schemas for output topics.
    • Need additional backend service that consumes output of topic and updates dashboards.

A big overhead is also writing complicated Stream Processing jobs. With declarative mode of authoring queries like Flink SQL, the queries can be a bit easier for simpler scenarios like required by Delivery Dashboard:

-- Define the order_changes table (source from PostgreSQL via Debezium)
CREATE TABLE order_changes (
    order_id STRING,
    customer_name STRING,
    driver_name STRING,
    vehicle_plate STRING,
    status STRING,
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'order_changes',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
    'format' = 'debezium-json'

-- Define the vehicle_changes table (source from MySQL via Debezium)
CREATE TABLE vehicle_changes (
    vehicle_plate STRING,
    make STRING,
    model STRING,
    color STRING,
    location STRING,
    PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_plate) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'vehicle_changes',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
    'format' = 'debezium-json'

-- Define the matched_orders table (sink to Kafka)
CREATE TABLE matched_orders (
    order_id STRING,
    customer_name STRING,
    driver_name STRING,
    vehicle_plate STRING,
    make STRING,
    model STRING,
    color STRING
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'matched_orders',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
    'format' = 'changelog-json'

INSERT INTO matched_orders
    order_changes o
    vehicle_changes v
    o.vehicle_plate = v.vehicle_plate
    o.status = 'Ready' AND v.location = 'Curbside';

  • Connects to the order_changes Kafka topic, which streams CDC events from the PostgreSQL DB via Debezium.
  • Also connects to the vehicle_changes Kafka topic, which streams CDC events from the MySQL database via Debezium.
  • Tracks the latest state of each vehicle using vehicle_plate as the primary key.
  • Define the output Kafka topic matched_orders, where matched order and vehicle data will be sent.
  • Joins the order_changes and vehicle_changes tables on the vehicle_plate field, and filters for orders with status = 'Ready' and vehicles with location = 'Curbside'.
  • The matched_orders table is setup with format as changelog-json. In Flink this means that inserts are emitted when a row satisfies the WHERE condition & deletes are emitted when a row no longer satisfies it.

Far more complicated is the query to power a delay dashboard:

-- 1. Define the Orders Source Table (PostgreSQL CDC via Kafka)
  order_id STRING,
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  order_status STRING,
  event_time TIMESTAMP(3),
  WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND,
  PRIMARY KEY (pickup_vehicle_plate) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'order_changes',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'debezium-json',
  'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'

-- 2. Define the Vehicles Source Table (MySQL CDC via Kafka)
CREATE TABLE vehicles (
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  vehicle_location STRING,
  event_time TIMESTAMP(3),
  WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND,
  PRIMARY KEY (pickup_vehicle_plate) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'vehicle_changes',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'debezium-json',
  'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'

-- 3. Enrich Vehicle Events with Latest Order Status
CREATE VIEW enriched_vehicle_events AS
FROM vehicles v
LEFT JOIN orders FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF v.event_time AS o
ON v.pickup_vehicle_plate = o.pickup_vehicle_plate;

-- 4. Enrich Order Events with Latest Vehicle Location
CREATE VIEW enriched_order_events AS
FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN vehicles FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.event_time AS v
ON o.pickup_vehicle_plate = v.pickup_vehicle_plate;

-- 5. Combine All Enriched Events into a Single Stream
CREATE VIEW all_enriched_events AS
  'vehicle' AS event_type,
FROM enriched_vehicle_events
  'order' AS event_type,
FROM enriched_order_events;

-- 6. Track Waiting State and Transitions
CREATE VIEW events_with_state AS
  vehicle_location = 'Curbside' AND order_status != 'Ready' AS is_waiting,
  LAG(vehicle_location = 'Curbside' AND order_status != 'Ready', 1, FALSE) 
    OVER (PARTITION BY pickup_vehicle_plate ORDER BY event_time) AS prev_is_waiting
FROM all_enriched_events;

-- 7. Identify Start Events (Waiting Begins)
CREATE VIEW start_events AS
  event_time AS start_time
FROM events_with_state
WHERE is_waiting AND NOT prev_is_waiting;

-- 8. Identify End Events (Waiting Ends)
CREATE VIEW end_events AS
  event_time AS end_time
FROM events_with_state
WHERE NOT is_waiting AND prev_is_waiting;

-- 9. Define the Output Sink Table
CREATE TABLE delayed_orders (
  op STRING,
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  time TIMESTAMP(3)
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'delayed_orders',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'json'

-- 10. Generate Insert and Delete Events
INSERT INTO delayed_orders
  'insert' AS op,
  s.start_time AS time
FROM start_events s
LEFT OUTER JOIN end_events e
ON s.pickup_vehicle_plate = e.pickup_vehicle_plate 
AND e.end_time > s.start_time 
AND e.end_time <= s.start_time + INTERVAL '5' MINUTE
WHERE e.end_time IS NULL
  'delete' AS op,
  end_time AS time
FROM end_events;

One approach (as shown in the SQL above) could be like the following:

  • First, we read CDC events from Kafka with watermarks for event-time processing. The primary key pickup_vehicle_plate ensures Flink maintains the latest state per vehicle, assuming one active order per vehicle at a time.

  • Then temporal joins provide the current order status for vehicle events and vice versa, creating a stream where each event includes both vehicle_location and order_status.

  • The events_with_state view uses LAG to compare the current waiting condition (is_waiting) with the previous state, identifying start and end points.

  • The interval left outer join checks if an end event occurs within 5 minutes of a start event. If no end event is found (e.end_time IS NULL), an ‘insert’ event is emitted when the watermark exceeds start_time + 5 minutes. An end event triggers a ‘delete’.

  • The delayed_orders table outputs a changelog stream with op (‘insert’ or ‘delete’), pickup_vehicle_plate, and the relevant timestamp.

The output to the delayed_orders Kafka topic can then be used by the backend service to add or remove drivers from the result set, which is then used to keep the dashboards up to date by sending updates over websockets.

Enter Drasi

Drasi offers us a unique ability to declaratively write continuously running queries across a virtual knowledge graph that can span across multiple heterogeneous data sources. Drasi can also take action when the result sets of the queries change.

This means that we can simply add both the data sources in Drasi and write declarative queries on top and create a SignalR endpoint in minutes. Here is all we will need:

  1. YAML files for the 2 sources. These allow Drasi to subscribe to change-feeds.
  2. YAML file with declarative graph queries for the two scenarios.
  3. YAML file for configuring a SignalR endpoint.

Here is how the architecture will look like with Drasi:

Screenshot showing configuration for Codespaces

Curbside Pickup with Drasi

The rest of this tutorial will guide us step by step in setting up the mock scenario discussed earlier and create the two realtime dashboards with minimal effort.

Tutorial Modes

You can follow along the steps below in a Github codespace, a VSCode Dev Container or your own Kubernetes environment.

The easiest way to follow along with this tutorial is to launch a Github Codespace using the link below. This will allow you to run the example application within your browser without setting up anything on your own machines.

Open in Github Codespaces

This will open a page with some configuration options. Make sure that the ‘Branch’ selected is main and set the ‘Dev Container configuration’ to ‘Curbside Pickup with Drasi’.

Screenshot showing configuration for Codespaces

To follow along with a Dev Container, you will need to install:

Next, clone the learning repo from Github, and open the repo in VS Code. Make sure that Docker daemon (or Docker Desktop) is running.

Once the solution is open in VS Code, follow these steps:

  • Press Cmd + Shift + P (on MacOS) or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows or Linux) to launch the command palette.
  • Select Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container.
  • Select the Curbside Pickup with Drasi option to launch this tutorial.

You need to have your own Kubernetes cluster setup. You can use any Kubernetes setup. For a local testing setup, you can choose one of alternatives like Kind, Minikube or k3d.

Make sure that kubectl on your system points to your Kubernetes cluster. You will also need python and npm installed.

Setting up Retail Ops

Note: For this section, all of the code and configuration lives inside the curbside-pickup/retail-ops directory of the project. Please navigate to that before running any of the commands below.

Database setup

The retail operations team deals with Orders. The order information is stored in a PostgreSQL DB. Here’s how to set it up:

Your PostgreSQL DB was already setup inside your codespace and is ready to use.

Your PostgreSQL DB was already setup inside your dev container and is ready to use.

Please apply the postgres-database.yaml found in the retail-ops directory:

kubectl apply -f postgres-database.yaml

Check if the pod running postgres is up:

kubectl get pods

Once the pod running Postgres is successfully running, you can proceed to the next step.

NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
postgres-xxxxx-xxxxx   1/1     Running   0          63s

Forward the port to localhost using:

kubectl port-forward svc/postgres 5432:5432

Retail Ops Backend

We have a simple backend that allows CRUD on the PostgreSQL DB. This is written in Python using FAST API. You can start the server in a new terminal window using the following commands. Make sure you are in the curbside-pickup/retail-ops directory prior to running the commands.

cd retail-ops/backend

python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r requirements.txt

uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8004

The above commands should launch the backend server listening on port 8004. GitHub will expose the backend on a URL like https://<your-codespace-id> where you need to plug in your codespace id.

You should also see a pop-up notification on the bottom-right of the screen like:

Screenshot showing port exposed for Retail Ops Backend.

Check if you can access the docs resource on the above URL. You should also get a pop-up on the bottom right of your screen to open it.

The https://<your-codespace-id> path should show the Swagger page for the API exposed by the backend, like in the screenshot below.


During the codespace launch, we have a few scripts that setup PostgreSQL as a serve on a k3d cluster. We then use a port-forward which helps the backend app to connect to the database. Check that the port-forward is running:

ps aux | grep "[k]ubectl port-forward"

If it is not, then you can run this in a separate terminal to ensure that the port is forwarded.

nohup kubectl port-forward svc/postgres 5432:5432 > "$LOG_DIR/postgres-port-forward.log" 2>&1 &

Your backend server will listen on port 8004. This should be accessible on localhost.

Your port will be automatically forwarded by VSCode. You can check this from the ports tab in VS Code.

You can check if the Swagger page for the backend API is accessible at http://localhost:8004/docs/ like shown in the screenshot below.


During dev-container launch, we have a few scripts that setup PostgreSQL as a serve on a k3d cluster. We then use a port-forward which helps the backend app to connect to the database. Check that the port-forward is running:

ps aux | grep "[k]ubectl port-forward"

If it is not, then you can run this in a separate terminal to ensure that the port is forwarded.

nohup kubectl port-forward svc/postgres 5432:5432 > "$LOG_DIR/postgres-port-forward.log" 2>&1 &

Your backend server will listen on port 8004. This should be accessible on localhost.

You should be able to access the Swagger page for the backend API at http://localhost:8004/docs/ like shown in the screenshot below.


Make sure that your PostgreSQL is running and is accessible to the backend. Ensure that the port-forward we did in the DB setup is still running.

Screenshot showing Swagger docs for Retail Ops Backend.

Retail Ops Frontend

Let’s deploy a React frontend App that uses the APIs exposed by the backend.

Open the config file located at curbside-pickup/retail-ops/frontend/.env.

Set the VITE_API_BASE_URL to the backend URL for your codespace, which should look something like this: https://<your-codespace-id>

Here is how the file should look like:


You must also make this backend port accessibly publicly by updating the PORTS section like this:

Screenshot showing how to make the Retail Ops Backend port public

The commands below assumes that you have your retail ops backend running on port 8004 on localhost.

If that is not the case, please provide the correct URL for the backend app in the variable VITE_API_BASE_URL configured in the file located at curbside-pickup/retail-ops/frontend/.env.

The commands below assumes that you have your retail ops backend running on port 8004 on localhost.

If that is not the case, please provide the correct URL for the backend app in the variable VITE_API_BASE_URL configured in the file located at curbside-pickup/retail-ops/frontend/.env.

Run the following commands when you’re in the curbside-pickup/retail-ops directory to launch the front end.

cd retail-ops/frontend

npm install

npm start

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Retail Ops on port 3004. For your codespace, this should be accessible at the URL like: https://<your-codespace-id>

You can also click on the pop-up notification to open the link in your browser:

Screenshot showing popup notification for Retail Ops front-end.

You might see this error:

Screenshot showing popup notification for Retail Ops front-end.

Make sure that the backend port has been made public in the the PORTS tab in the codespace like explained in the previous section.

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Retail Ops on port 3004 on localhost.

If you want to use a different port, then please update the PORT variable in the file located at curbside-pickup/retail-ops/frontend/.env.

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Retail Ops on port 3004 on localhost.

If you want to use a different port, then please update the PORT variable in the file located at curbside-pickup/retail-ops/frontend/.env.

The frontend UI should look like the screenshot below.

Screenshot showing the Retail Ops frontend app.

This completes the mock setup for the system used by the Backend team. You can add new orders in the UI and mark existing orders Ready.

Setting up Physical Ops

Just like we did for retail ops, we will setup a database, a backend and a frontend app to mock the Physical Operations side of the business.

Note: For this section, all of the code and configuration lives inside the curbside-pickup/physical-ops directory of the project. Please navigate to that before running any of the commands below.

Database setup

The physical operations team deals with Vehicles. The order information is stored in a MySQL DB. Here’s how to set it up:

Your MySQL DB was already setup inside your codespace and is ready to use.

Your MySQL DB was already setup inside your codespace and is ready to use.

Please apply the mysql-database.yaml found in the physical-ops directory:

kubectl apply -f mysql-database.yaml

Check if the pod running postgres is up:

kubectl get pods

Once the pod running MySQL is successfully running, you can proceed to the next step.

NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mysql-xxxxx-xxxxx   1/1     Running   0          63s

Forward the port to localhost using the following:

kubectl port-forward svc/mysql 3306:3306

Physical Ops Backend

Let’s deploy a simple Python FAST API backend that allows CRUD on the MySQL DB.

Make sure you are in the curbside-pickup/physical-ops directory prior to running the commands below.

cd physical-ops/backend

python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip3 install -r requirements.txt

uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8003

The above commands should launch the backend server listening on port 8003. GitHub will expose the backend on a URL like https://<your-codespace-id> where you need to plug in your codespace id.

You should also see a pop-up notification on the bottom-right of the screen like:

Screenshot showing port exposed for Physical Ops Backend.

Check if you can access the docs resource on the above URL. You should also get a pop-up on the bottom right of your screen to open it.

The https://<your-codespace-id> path should show the Swagger page for the API exposed by the backend, like in the screenshot below.


During the codespace launch, we have a few scripts that setup PostgreSQL as a serve on a k3d cluster. We then use a port-forward which helps the backend app to connect to the database. Check that the port-forward is running:

ps aux | grep "[k]ubectl port-forward"

If it is not, then you can run this in a separate terminal to ensure that the port is forwarded.

nohup kubectl port-forward svc/mysql 3306:3306 > "$LOG_DIR/mysql-port-forward.log" 2>&1 &

Your backend server will listen on port 8003. This should be accessible on localhost.

Your port will be automatically forwarded by VSCode. You can check this from the ports tab in VS Code.

You can check if the Swagger page for the backend API is accessible at http://localhost:8003/docs/ like shown in the screenshot below.


During dev-container launch, we have a few scripts that setup MySQL as a serve on a k3d cluster. We then use a port-forward which helps the backend app to connect to the database. Check that the port-forward is running:

ps aux | grep "[k]ubectl port-forward"

If it is not, then you can run this in a separate terminal to ensure that the port is forwarded.

nohup kubectl port-forward svc/mysql 3306:3306 > "$LOG_DIR/mysql-port-forward.log" 2>&1 &

Your backend server will listen on port 8003. This should be accessible on localhost.

You should be able to access the Swagger page for the backend API at http://localhost:8003/docs/ like shown in the screenshot below.


Make sure that your MySQL is running and is accessible to the backend. Ensure that the port-forward we did in the DB setup is still running.

Screenshot showing Swagger docs for Physical Ops Backend.

Physical Ops Frontend

Let’s deploy the React frontend App that uses the APIs exposed by the backend.

Open the config file located at curbside-pickup/physical_ops/frontend/.env.

Set the VITE_API_BASE_URL to the backend URL for your codespace, which should look something like this: https://<your-codespace-id>

This is how the file should look:


You must also make this backend port accessibly publicly by updating the PORTS section like this:

Screenshot showing how to make the Retail Ops Backend port public

The commands below assumes that you have your physical ops backend running on port 8003 on localhost.

If that is not the case, please provide the correct URL for the backend app in the variable VITE_API_BASE_URL configured in the file located at curbside-pickup/physical_ops/frontend/.env.

The commands below assumes that you have your physical ops backend running on port 8003 on localhost.

If that is not the case, please provide the correct URL for the backend app in the variable VITE_API_BASE_URL configured in the file located at curbside-pickup/physical_ops/frontend/.env.

Run the following commands when you’re in the curbside-pickup/physical-ops directory to launch the front end.

cd physical-ops/frontend

npm install

npm start

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Retail Ops on port 3003. For your codespace, this should be accessible at the URL like: https://<your-codespace-id>

You can also click on the pop-up notification to open the link in your browser:

Screenshot showing popup notification for Physical Ops front-end.

You might see this error:

Screenshot showing popup notification for Physical Ops front-end.

Make sure that the backend port has been made public in the the PORTS tab in the codespace like explained in the previous section.

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Physical Ops on port 3003 on localhost.

If you want to use a different port, then please update the PORT variable in the file located at curbside-pickup/physical_ops/frontend/.env.

The above command should launch a simple frontend react app for Physical Ops on port 3003 on localhost.

If you want to use a different port, then please update the PORT variable in the file located at curbside-pickup/physical_ops/frontend/.env.

The frontend UI should look like the screenshot below.

Screenshot showing the Physical Ops frontend app.

This completes the mock setup for the system used for vehicle management. You can add new vehicles in the UI and move them between Parking & Curbside.

Configure Drasi

Now we have the complete setup for our mock scenario with two teams having their own separate databases. The frontend & backend apps for each allow us to fiddle with data stored in these databases.

Let us see how easy it is to build two realtime dashboards that utilize change data from the PostgreSQL DB and MySQL DB for incremental updates.

Here are the two dashboards we will create:

  1. Delivery Dashboard - displays orders that are Ready for which vehicles are at Curbside.
  2. Delay Dashboard - displays orders that are not Ready whilst the pickup driver has been waiting at Curbside for more than a fixed amount of time.


Your codespace should have Drasi already installed and setup. Continue along with steps below.

Your dev container should have Drasi already installed and setup. Continue along with steps below.

Ensure that your kubectl points to your target Kubernetes cluster.

Install Drasi using the instructions here.

To summarize you can install the CLI using:

curl -fsSL | /bin/bash

Next, install Drasi on your Kubernetes cluster, simply run the command:

drasi init

Check the installation pages for any troubleshooting.

Add Drasi Sources

Sources in Drasi provide connectivity to the data sources and monitor them for change. Learn more about Sources here.

The retail team uses a PostgreSQL database which can be added as a Drasi source by using the YAML file below. This gives the connection parameters to Drasi and lists out the tables (orders) that we want to model and query.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Source
name: retail-ops
  kind: PostgreSQL
    host: postgres.default.svc.cluster.local
    user: test
    port: 5432
    ssl: false
    password: test
    database: RetailOperations
      - public.orders

Likewise, we can use the following YAML to configure a Drasi source for MySQL. This gives Drasi the connection parameters and the tables of interest.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Source
name: physical-ops
  kind: MySQL
    host: mysql.default.svc.cluster.local
    user: test
    port: 3306
    ssl: false
    password: test
    database: PhysicalOperations
      - PhysicalOperations.vehicles

Run the following command to create the Drasi source for Retail Ops.

cd drasi/

drasi apply -f retail-ops-source.yaml

drasi wait -f retail-ops-source.yaml -t 120

You can expect the following responses:

✓ Apply: Source/retail-ops: complete
✓ Wait Source/retail-ops online

Once the source is online you should be able to see it like so:

drasi list source

Following should be the output with nothing in the ‘Messages’ column:

  retail-ops | true      |           

Likewise, run the following command to setup Drasi source for MySQL:

cd drasi/

drasi apply -f physical-ops-source.yaml

drasi wait -f physical-ops-source.yaml -t 120

You can expect the following responses:

✓ Apply: Source/physical-ops: complete
✓ Wait Source/physical-ops online

Once the source is online you should be able to see it like so:

drasi list source

Following should be the output with nothing in the ‘Messages’ column:

       ID      | AVAILABLE | MESSAGES  
  retail-ops   | true      |
  physical-ops | true      |
Troubleshooting the source

Check messages in output of drasi list source.

For more details you can also use drasi describe source <source-name>.

Check the logs of pods <source-name>-reactivator-xxxxx or <source-name>-proxy-xxxxx. These are deployed under drasi’s namespace (default: drasi-system) in your kubernetes cluster.

Write Drasi Queries

Continuous Queries are the mechanism by which you tell Drasi what changes to detect in source systems as well as the data you want distributed when changes are detected. You can read more about them here.

Query for matched orders

When writing queries, Drasi allows us to model all of our data coming possibly coming from disparate heterogeneous systems as a single virtual graph of nodes and relationships. On this graph, we can then write declarative queries.

For example, to match Orders that are Ready with their pickup Vehicles that are in the Curbside, we can envision a graph of Orders & Vehicles connected by a relation Pickup-By which connects an order to a vehicle. (More on how Drasi makes this connection is explained later).

We can then write the following Cypher-style query:

MATCH (o:orders)-[:PICKUP_BY]->(v:vehicles)
    WHERE o.status = 'ready'
      AND v.location = 'Curbside'
    RETURN AS orderId,
      o.status AS orderStatus,
      o.driver_name AS driverName,
      o.plate as vehicleId,
      v.make as vehicleMake,
      v.model as vehicleModel,
      v.color as vehicleColor,
      v.location as vehicleLocation

Since we are creating a mock scenario, and our database may have entries where the matched orders may exist at epoch (time = 0), we filter that out as we want to report the timestamp when the order becomes ready.

We can filter out the orders that were already matched by adding to WHERE like:

WHERE o.status = 'ready'
  AND v.location = 'Curbside'
  AND drasi.changeDateTime(v) != datetime({epochMillis: 0})
  AND drasi.changeDateTime(o) != datetime({epochMillis: 0})

And we can include the following in our projected result to report the timestamp when the orders got matched to the drivers:

RETURN AS orderId,
  drasi.listMax([drasi.changeDateTime(o), drasi.changeDateTime(v)]) as readyTimestamp

The above does a max as we want to report when a match happened, which occurs when both the driver location becomes Curbside and order status becomes Ready. Therefore, we need the greater of the change timestamp among both.

Synthetic Relationships

Note that in our Cypher query we want to relate the orders with their respective vehicles, even though the entities live in different databases. This is achieved by modeling the relationship as a synthetic relationship called PICKUP_BY which is defined in the joins section of the YAML below.

This joins section helps Drasi understand on how to stitch together a graph of entities and relationships across arbitrary heterogeneous data sources.

To be able to create that virtualized graph, we need to tell Drasi on how to connect vehicles to orders. In our example, we can do that by Vehicle plate number which is present in both databases.

Following is the complete YAML file for the continuous query that shows how the synthetic relationship is defined. Pay attention to the joins section:

# Returns the orders ready for delivery
kind: ContinuousQuery
apiVersion: v1
name: delivery
  mode: query
      - id: physical-ops
          - sourceLabel: vehicles
      - id: retail-ops
          - sourceLabel: orders
      - id: PICKUP_BY
          - label: vehicles
            property: plate
          - label: orders
            property: plate
  query: >
    MATCH (o:orders)-[:PICKUP_BY]->(v:vehicles)
    WHERE o.status = 'ready'
      AND v.location = 'Curbside'
      AND drasi.changeDateTime(v) != datetime({epochMillis: 0})
      AND drasi.changeDateTime(o) != datetime({epochMillis: 0})
    RETURN AS orderId,
      o.status AS orderStatus,
      o.driver_name AS driverName,
      o.plate as vehicleId,
      v.make as vehicleMake,
      v.model as vehicleModel,
      v.color as vehicleColor,
      v.location as vehicleLocation,
      drasi.listMax([drasi.changeDateTime(o), drasi.changeDateTime(v)]) as readyTimestamp    

This full YAML file is located at curbside-pickup/drasi/delivery.yaml. Use the command below to apply it:

drasi apply -f delivery.yaml

To check the status, use the command:

drasi list query

The STATUS should be Running, and there should be nothing in the column ERRORMESSAGE.

     ID    | CONTAINER | ERRORMESSAGE |              HOSTNAME        | STATUS   
  delivery | default   |              | default-query-host-xxxx-xxxx | Running  

Query for delayed orders

Drasi has a unique ability to react to not only events but also the lack of events, or non-events, for a given query. This means Drasi can watch a the result-set of a continuous query and if the required conditions are not met for the specified interval, it can signal reactions.

We can use these temporal capabilities of Drasi to write a Cypher query that will report Orders that are In Progress, but the driver has been waiting to pick it up on the curbside for 10 seconds or more.

For this, we can write the following query:

MATCH (o:orders)-[:PICKUP_BY]->(v:vehicles)
WHERE o.status != 'ready'
  o, v,
  drasi.changeDateTime(v) AS waitingSinceTimestamp
  waitingSinceTimestamp != datetime({epochMillis: 0}) AND
  drasi.trueFor(v.location = 'Curbside', duration ({ seconds: 10 }))
RETURN AS orderId,
  o.customer_name as customerName,

In the query above, we only match those vehicles for which orders are not ready by filtering with WHERE o.status != 'ready'. Now, we want to find vehicles whose location was set to Curbside 10+ seconds ago, while the order was still not ready. This is achieved by:

  drasi.trueFor(v.location = 'Curbside', duration ({ seconds: 10 }))

Here we utilize the temporal function drasi.trueFor which evaluates whether a boolean expression remains true for at least a period of time, starting from the time when the change being evaluated occurred.

Read more about trueFor and other temporal functions here.

For our mock scenario, when we launch the apps some vehicles may already be at curbside at the beginning (epoch), and to filter those out we use this: WHERE waitingSinceTimestamp != datetime({epochMillis: 0}).

The full YAML for this query is present in the file curbside-pickup/drasi/delay.yaml. To apply this query in Drasi, use:

drasi apply -f delay.yaml

To check the status, use the command:

drasi list query

The STATUS should be Running, and there should be nothing in the column ERRORMESSAGE.

     ID    | CONTAINER | ERRORMESSAGE |              HOSTNAME        | STATUS   
  delivery | default   |              | default-query-host-xxxx-xxxx | Running  
  delay    | default   |              | default-query-host-xxxx-xxxx | Running  

Drasi Reaction

Reactions process the stream of query result changes output by one or more Drasi Queries and act on them. You can read more about Reactions here.

To implement a reactive dashboard, we can use any number of frameworks, and we would need something that can host a websocket for bidirectional communication with the frontend. This should also reliably fall back to ServerSentEvents (SSE) or long polling, ensuring broad support across different network and client configurations. One could use libraries like SignalR, Sockets.IO, Django Channels.

Drasi has a reaction for SignalR available. This simplifies the process, as a simple YAML configuration enables a SignalR hub to push updates from any Drasi query to the UI. Following is the config located in curbside-pickup/drasi directory that lists the queries we’re interested in exposing:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Reaction
name: signalr
  kind: SignalR

In the terminal where you’re in directory curbside-pickup/drasi, run the following commands to have a SignalR Reaction deployed to your Drasi instance.

drasi apply -f reaction.yaml

You can expect the following response:

✓ Apply: Reaction/signalr: complete

Note that reactions might take some time to come up. You can use the following convenient command to wait for it (up to 120 seconds) to come up:

drasi wait -f reaction.yaml -t 120

Once a reaction is online you should be able to see it like so:

drasi list reaction

Following should be the output with nothing in the ‘Messages’ column:

  signalr | true      |           
Troubleshooting the reaction

Check messages in output of drasi list reaction.

For more details you can also use drasi describe reaction signalr.

Check the logs of pods created for the services signalr-gateway. These are deployed under drasi’s namespace (default: drasi-system) in your kubernetes cluster. You should also investigate the logs of the pods created for source which will have names like signalr-xxxxx-xxxx.

Port forwarding for Dashboard

The Drasi reaction creates a Kubernetes service signalr-gateway in the namespace drasi-system. This is the SignalR hub our frontend accessible within the Kubernetes cluster.

Since the Dashboard will run in your browser, you will need port forwarding.

Run the following command in the terminal.

kubectl -n drasi-system port-forward svc/signalr-gateway 8080:8080

This will ensure that the SignalR hub can be accessed from localhost on port 8080.

Github will also automatically create URL like http://<your-codespace-url> This port needs to be made public by by right clicking on port 8080 on the PORTS tab like so:

Screenshot showing how to make port public

If all works well, you should be able to access the hub URL: https://<your-codespace-url> in your browser and see Connection ID required on a blank page.

Screenshot showing Connection ID Required

VS Code will automatically forward port 8080 to localhost. You should be able to access the hub URL: http://localhost:8080/hub in your browser and see Connection ID required on a blank page.

Screenshot showing Connection ID Required

No extra step should be needed if you are going to run the realtime dashboard locally. You should be able to access the hub URL: http://localhost:8080/hub in your browser and see Connection ID required on a blank page.

Screenshot showing Connection ID Required

Realtime Dashboards

With the SignalR hub available we can write a reactive dashboard with ease. We are able to receive all changelog events from the data source in any frontend application.

Delivery Dashboard

In this section we can finally fulfill the requirements laid out for Realtime dashboard for order delivery.

We have written an example react app for this using the react components package. This library provides React components for streaming changes from the Drasi SignalR Reaction.

All the code resides in the curbside-pickup/delivery-dashboard directory.

Before launching the dashboard app, we must configure the SignalR backend URL. The configuration for the app is in curbside-pickup/delivery-dashboard/.env.

Provide the URL of the signalR hub in .env file. Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3001. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for ready-for-delivery orders

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3001. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for ready-for-delivery orders

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3001. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for ready-for-delivery orders

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Once configured, you can launch the app by running this command inside the delivery-dashboard directory:

cd delivery-dashboard

npm install

npm start

And you should then be able to see the following dashboard:

Screenshot showing the realtime dashboard for matched orders

You can try to play with Physical-Ops frontend app to move vehicles to/from Curbside location. You can also toggle orders as ready or not using the Retail-Ops frontend.

You should notice that any matched orders immediately show up on the dashboard.

Screenshot showing the matched orders in real time

Delay Dashboard

In this section we can fulfill the requirements laid out for Realtime dashboard for delayed orders.

We have written an example Vue app for this using the vue components package. This library provides Vue components for streaming changes from the Drasi SignalR Reaction.

All the code resides in the curbside-pickup/delay-dashboard directory.

Before launching the dashboard app, we must configure the SignalR backend URL. The configuration for the app is in curbside-pickup/delay-dashboard/.env.

Provide the URL of the signalR hub in .env file. Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3002. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for orders with extended wait times

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3002. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for orders with extended wait times

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Replace port 8080 if you used a different port number when forwarding the port.

The frontend app will launch by default on port 3002. This can also be configured in the .env file as shown below:

# SignalR endpoint URL

# Query ID for orders with extended wait times

# PORT for hosting this dashboard

Once configured, you can launch the app by running this command inside the delay-dashboard directory:

cd delay-dashboard

npm install

npm start

And you should then be able to see the following dashboard:

Screenshot showing the realtime dashboard for delayed orders

You can try to play with Physical-Ops frontend app to move vehicles to/from Curbside location. You can also toggle orders as ready or not using the Retail-Ops frontend.

You should notice that any vehicles that wait on Curbside without order being ready for 10+ seconds, will show up on the dashboard almost immediately.

Screenshot showing the delayed orders in real time

Demo Time

We have built two front end apps to mock the vehicle & order management scenarios. We also have built two reactive dashboards. To see all of this in action at the same time, let us use the index.html file located in the curbside-pickup directory.

Check if the URLs for the four apps are correct in the file index.html in root directory of the project. Update the ports if using different ones.

Below example assumes port numbers:

  • 3001 for delivery dashboard app
  • 3002 for delay dashboard app
  • 3003 for physical operations frontend app
  • 3004 for retail operations frontend app

Update the Github port URLs carefully in the file located at curbside-pickup/index.html, as shown below:

<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="https://<your-codespace-id>" id="delivery-dashboard"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="https://<your-codespace-id>" id="delay-dashboard"></iframe></div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="https://<your-codespace-id>" id="physical-operations"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="https://<your-codespace-id>" id="retail-operations"></iframe></div>

Right click on the file and select Open in Live Server:

Screenshot showing how to open live server

This should expose a new port and open the corresponding URL created by Github codespaces. Open this URL:


Ensure that the ports are correct in the file curbside-pickup/index.html:

<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3001" id="delivery-dashboard"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3002" id="delay-dashboard"></iframe></div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3003" id="physical-operations"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3004" id="retail-operations"></iframe></div>

Right click on the file and select Open in Live Server:

Screenshot showing how to open live server

Ensure that the ports are correct in the file curbside-pickup/index.html:

<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3001" id="delivery-dashboard"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3002" id="delay-dashboard"></iframe></div>
<div class="row">
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3003" id="physical-operations"></iframe></div>
    <div class="iframe-container"><iframe src="http://localhost:3004" id="retail-operations"></iframe></div>

Open this file path in your browser using URL path like this:


You should now be able to see this UI for playing with the reactive dashboard:

Screenshot showing the reactiveness portal

Try the following steps to test out matched orders.

  1. Mark Order #3 as ready in the Retail Operations app.
  2. Move the Black Honda Civic (C9876) to Curbside in Physical Operations app.
  3. Observe the matched order #3 get displayed as Ready for Delivery.

Try the following steps to test out the delay alerts.

  1. Move the Red Ford F-150 (B5678) to Curbside in Physical Operations app.
  2. Wait for 10 seconds.
  3. Observe the delay alert for this driver show up on the delay dashboard.
Screenshot showing the reactiveness of system

Feel free to play with vehicles and orders, and also to add new ones to test how instantaneous the dashboards are.


Congratulations! You were able to build two reactive dashboards UI for the curbside pickup scenario using Drasi. Let’s reflect on the journey we’ve been on.

Multiple data sources

We did not need to make any changes to the existing system we had setup with separate data systems for Order management & Vehicle Management. They both continue to live in separate databases of different kinds.

In the above walkthrough, we were able to add the existing Postgres and MySql instances as Sources in Drasi which opened them up to queries. All we needed was a YAML file that describes connection parameters for the DBs.

When writing the queries for our scenario, we did not have to worry about the fact that the data lives in two different stores. This is the power of Drasi - it allows us to write queries against a virtual graph of nodes and relationships that can span across data stored in disparate heterogeneous sources.

Synthetic Relationships in Continuous Queries helped Drasi in understanding how data across sources is connected so it can be modeled as a single virtual graph against which Cypher-style queries can be written.

No Code

Instead of writing complicated stream jobs as demonstrated in the Event Streaming section, or maintaining code for polling or event hooks, in Drasi we can write declarative Cypher-style queries that are fed into the system as a Configuration.

The difference between the effort involved in getting the Delay Dashboard is particularly glaring. Let’s take a look at what we did for Delay Dashboard with Flink.

-- 1. Define the Orders Source Table (PostgreSQL CDC via Kafka)
  order_id STRING,
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  order_status STRING,
  event_time TIMESTAMP(3),
  WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND,
  PRIMARY KEY (pickup_vehicle_plate) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'order_changes',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'debezium-json',
  'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'

-- 2. Define the Vehicles Source Table (MySQL CDC via Kafka)
CREATE TABLE vehicles (
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  vehicle_location STRING,
  event_time TIMESTAMP(3),
  WATERMARK FOR event_time AS event_time - INTERVAL '5' SECOND,
  PRIMARY KEY (pickup_vehicle_plate) NOT ENFORCED
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'vehicle_changes',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'debezium-json',
  'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset'

-- 3. Enrich Vehicle Events with Latest Order Status
CREATE VIEW enriched_vehicle_events AS
FROM vehicles v
LEFT JOIN orders FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF v.event_time AS o
ON v.pickup_vehicle_plate = o.pickup_vehicle_plate;

-- 4. Enrich Order Events with Latest Vehicle Location
CREATE VIEW enriched_order_events AS
FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN vehicles FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF o.event_time AS v
ON o.pickup_vehicle_plate = v.pickup_vehicle_plate;

-- 5. Combine All Enriched Events into a Single Stream
CREATE VIEW all_enriched_events AS
  'vehicle' AS event_type,
FROM enriched_vehicle_events
  'order' AS event_type,
FROM enriched_order_events;

-- 6. Track Waiting State and Transitions
CREATE VIEW events_with_state AS
  vehicle_location = 'Curbside' AND order_status != 'Ready' AS is_waiting,
  LAG(vehicle_location = 'Curbside' AND order_status != 'Ready', 1, FALSE) 
    OVER (PARTITION BY pickup_vehicle_plate ORDER BY event_time) AS prev_is_waiting
FROM all_enriched_events;

-- 7. Identify Start Events (Waiting Begins)
CREATE VIEW start_events AS
  event_time AS start_time
FROM events_with_state
WHERE is_waiting AND NOT prev_is_waiting;

-- 8. Identify End Events (Waiting Ends)
CREATE VIEW end_events AS
  event_time AS end_time
FROM events_with_state
WHERE NOT is_waiting AND prev_is_waiting;

-- 9. Define the Output Sink Table
CREATE TABLE delayed_orders (
  op STRING,
  pickup_vehicle_plate STRING,
  time TIMESTAMP(3)
) WITH (
  'connector' = 'kafka',
  'topic' = 'delayed_orders',
  'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'format' = 'json'

-- 10. Generate Insert and Delete Events
INSERT INTO delayed_orders
  'insert' AS op,
  s.start_time AS time
FROM start_events s
LEFT OUTER JOIN end_events e
ON s.pickup_vehicle_plate = e.pickup_vehicle_plate 
AND e.end_time > s.start_time 
AND e.end_time <= s.start_time + INTERVAL '5' MINUTE
WHERE e.end_time IS NULL
  'delete' AS op,
  end_time AS time
FROM end_events;

If we contrast this with the simple YAML file used for the Drasi query, with the much simpler Cypher query using temporal functions, the power and appeal of Drasi becomes unmistakably evident. The Cypher query is not just more concise but arguably easier to write, understand and maintain over time.

kind: ContinuousQuery
apiVersion: v1
name: delay
  mode: query
      - id: physical-ops
          - sourceLabel: vehicles
      - id: retail-ops
          - sourceLabel: orders
      - id: PICKUP_BY
          - label: vehicles
            property: plate
          - label: orders
            property: plate
  query: >
    MATCH (o:orders)-[:PICKUP_BY]->(v:vehicles)
    WHERE o.status != 'ready'
      o, v,
      drasi.changeDateTime(v) AS waitingSinceTimestamp
      waitingSinceTimestamp != datetime({epochMillis: 0}) AND
      drasi.trueFor(v.location = 'Curbside', duration ({ seconds: 10 }))
    RETURN AS orderId,
      o.customer_name as customerName,

The declarative approach taken by Drasi not only removes the need of writing and maintaining code, its choice of Cypher syntax gives it incredible expressive power which makes queries far less complicated than can ever be in SQL.


The dashboards built with Drasi are reactive to changes almost instantaneously. This can be observed by fiddling the vehicles & orders data as described in the Demo time section.

This is in contrast to any approaches involving polling as they would inherently have at least have as much delay as the polling interval.

The stream processing approach can be as reactive as Drasi, however it depends on the Debezium setup for CDC being accurately tuned and the backend service consuming the output topics without delay and pushing the updates to the clients in a snappy manner.

With Drasi, all that is taken care of by the platform and the developers need to provide simple YAML configs for their data sources, queries and reactions to get result sets that are continuously accurate (in near real time).

Drasi Components

Drasi has three components, which in our scenario look something like this:

Diagram showing Drasi components

When we deploy a YAML config for a Drasi source, behind the scenes it initializes a process that subscribes to the change feed. Drasi has a dedicated Drasi-Source for each data-source it subscribes to.

Any system that holds data which provides an API to query the initial state of data and a way to subscribe to a feed of changes happening to the data can become a Drasi source. We have SDKs available in multiple languages that allow you to turn any system into a Drasi source.

When we deploy a YAML config with our Cypher query, the continuous query is run on a query host. By default it is run on the default query container within Drasi.

These continuous queries allow you to model all of your data across multiple, disparate and heterogeneous systems as a single graph and specify your query declaratively in Cypher.

While a query is running, Drasi maintains an incrementally updated result set.

Finally, Drasi reactions allow Drasi to take arbitrary actions in external systems when the result set of a query changes. In our example above, we had a SignalR reaction that was used to send updates to the dashboards.

Drasi can perform actions in many different types of systems, and we also have an SDK that allows you to write your own reaction in the language of your choice.


With this example, we hope that we have demonstrated that just by writing a few YAML-config files and Cypher-style declarative queries, we can build new systems that are truly reactive using data from existing systems even if data lives in disparate and heterogeneous systems.

Learn more about "Why Drasi?" here.

What’s next?

You can try the next guided tutorial in our series that demonstrates how to {< relurl “tutorials/risky-containers” “build a dashboard of high-risk container images”}} running in your Kubernetes cluster using Drasi.

Here are some additional resources: