Connecting a Frontend to a Query
This tutorial continues from the getting started tutorial. If you have not completed that tutorial, please do so before continuing.
Deploy the SignalR Reaction
The first step is to deploy the SignalR Reaction. This will forward the results of a query to a SignalR hub. This will allow a front end application to connect to the SignalR hub and receive the results of the query in real time.
This is the Reaction definition that we will use, it will forward the results of the hello-world-from
query to a SignalR hub.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Reaction
name: hello-world-signalr
kind: SignalR
This Reaction definition can be found in the 02-connect-frontends
directory in the signalr-reaction.yaml
Navigate to the 02-connect-frontends
directory and deploy the SignalR Reaction.
cd 02-connect-frontends
drasi apply -f signalr-reaction.yaml
drasi wait reaction hello-world-signalr
Forward the SignalR gateway to your local machine on port 8082 with the following command.
kubectl port-forward services/hello-world-signalr-gateway 8082:8080 -n drasi-system
If you are using GitHub codespaces, when the dialog pops up, make sure to click Make Public
Connect an app to the SignalR reaction
The next step is to connect a front end application to the SignalR Reaction. Please select your front end framework below to continue.