Risky Containers
In this tutorial, we will connect a PostgreSQL source with a Kubernetes source in order to create a Continuous Query that will join the two together. The PostgreSQL table will hold a list of container image tags that are considered high risk, and the query will join this table to the live Pods running in a Kubernetes cluster to create a real-time dashboard of running containers with an image tag that is marked as risky.
Tutorial Modes
You can follow along the steps below in a Github codespace, a VSCode Dev Container or your own Kubernetes environment.
The easiest way to follow along with this tutorial is to launch a Github Codespace using the link below. This will allow you to run the example application within your browser without setting up anything on your own machines.
This will open a page with some configuration options. Make sure that the Branch selected is main and set the Dev Container configuration to Risky Containers with Drasi.

To follow along with a Dev Container, you will need to install:
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Code Dev Containers extension
- docker
Next, clone the learning repo from Github, and open the repo in VS Code. Make sure that Docker daemon (or Docker Desktop) is running.
Once the solution is open in VS Code, follow these steps:
- Press Cmd + Shift + P (on MacOS) or Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows or Linux) to launch the command palette.
- Select
Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container
. - Select the
Risky Containers with Drasi
option to launch this tutorial.
You need to have your own Kubernetes cluster setup. You can use any Kubernetes setup. For a local testing setup, you can choose one of alternatives like Kind, Minikube or k3d.
Make sure that kubectl
on your system points to your Kubernetes cluster.
You will need VS Code
You will need the Drasi VS Code extension
You will need the PostgreSQL CLI tool
You will need to deploy PostgreSQL to your cluster. The following command can be used, it will also create the table and data required for this tutorial.
kubectl apply -f ./resources/postgres.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=postgres --timeout=60s
If you are not using the GitHub codespace or VS Code dev container, you will need to open a port forward to access the PostgreSQL instance.
kubectl port-forward services/postgres 5432:5432
PostgreSQL Table
A PostgreSQL table named RiskyImage
has been pre-loaded with that following data:
Id | Image | Reason |
1 | drasidemo.azurecr.io/my-app:0.1 | Security Risk |
2 | docker.io/library/redis:6.2.3-alpine | Compliance Issue |
Deploy Pods
The following command will deploy two Pods of my-app
, one with version 0.1
and one with version 0.2
kubectl apply -f ./resources/my-app.yaml
Store Kubernetes credentials in a secret
Before we can create a Kubernetes source, we need the credentials of the cluster that the source will connect to. The way to get these credentials will differ depending on how you are running Kubernetes. The scripts below will extract the credentials of your current Kubernetes context and store them in a secret, to be referenced by the Drasi Kubernetes source.
If you are running using Github Codespaces or the VS code dev container, then use the
k3d kubeconfig get k3s-default | sed 's/*/kubernetes.default.svc/g' | kubectl create secret generic k8s-context --from-file=context=/dev/stdin -n drasi-system
kind get kubeconfig | sed 's/*/kubernetes.default.svc/g' | kubectl create secret generic k8s-context --from-file=context=/dev/stdin -n drasi-system
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource-group> --name <cluster-name> --file - | kubectl create secret generic k8s-context --from-file=context=/dev/stdin -n drasi-system
Deploy the sources
The following command will deploy the PostgreSQL and the Kubernetes sources.
drasi apply -f ./resources/sources.yaml
The following command will wait for the source to be ready.
drasi wait -f ./resources/sources.yaml
Deploy Continuous Query
Next, we will create a Continuous Query that will join the rows in the RiskyImage
table to Pods that are running inside the Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes source will create graph nodes that match the Kubernetes API. The container information that we are interested in is nested in this object in the status.containerStatuses
array. We are looking to use the image
property on the entries in this array to join to the Image
column of the RiskyImages
Here is a sample of the Pod payload from the Kubernetes API.
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2024-12-18T20:00:13Z",
"name": "my-app-1"
"spec": ...,
"status": {
"conditions": [
"containerStatuses": [
"containerID": "containerd://...",
"image": "drasidemo.azurecr.io/my-app:0.1",
"name": "app",
"ready": true,
"restartCount": 0,
"started": true,
"state": {
"running": {
"startedAt": "2024-12-18T20:00:19Z"
In order to extract the containers in this array and promote them to top level graph nodes, we will use the unwind middleware. This middleware will pre-process incoming changes by extracting each entry in the containerStatuses
array and promoting it to a node with the label of Container
. It will use the containerID
as a unique key for the container within the scope of the parent Pod and it will create a graph relation between them with the label of OWNS
. The Container
nodes can now be used in a synthetic join with the RiskyImage
table by creating the HAS_IMAGE
apiVersion: v1
kind: ContinuousQuery
name: risky-containers
mode: query
- id: k8s # Kubernetes cluster
- sourceLabel: Pod
- extract-containers
- id: devops # PostgreSQL Database
- sourceLabel: RiskyImage
# The relation name of the synthetic join
# The label of the PostgreSQL table
- label: RiskyImage
property: Image
# The label of the Container entries extracted from the Pod
- label: Container
property: image
- kind: unwind
name: extract-containers
# The incoming element label to unwind from
# The JsonPath location of the field on the parent element to unwind.
- selector: $.status.containerStatuses[*]
# The label of the nodes that will be creating from this array.
label: Container
# A unique identifier for each container within the scope of the Pod
key: $.containerID
# The label of the relation that joins the parent Pod to the child Container
relation: OWNS
query: >
p.name as pod,
c.image as image,
c.name as name,
c.ready as ready,
c.started as started,
c.restartCount as restartCount,
i.Reason as reason
This query can be found in the resources
folder, use the following command to deploy it.
drasi apply -f ./resources/queries.yaml
The VS Code extension Drasi explorer can be used to attach to the query to monitor it in realtime.
You may need to click the refresh button in the top right corner to see the newly created query.
You should see the current result set of the query which lists my-app:0.1 as a Security Risk

Add a new High Risk Image Tag
Next, we will add a row to the RiskyImage table that marks my-app:0.2 as having a Critical Bug.
Connect to the PostgreSQL instance.
Then run the following SQL script:
insert into "RiskyImage" ("Id", "Image", "Reason") values (101, 'drasidemo.azurecr.io/my-app:0.2', 'Critical Bug');
You should now also see my-app:0.2 in the query results.

Upgrade a Pod to a non-high risk tag
Next, we will use kubectl to upgrade the Pod from version 0.2
to 0.3
, which will make it disappear from the result set.
kubectl set image pod/my-app-2 app=drasidemo.azurecr.io/my-app:0.3
It may take more than ten seconds for Kubernetes to tear down the old Pod and bring up the new one, once it does you will see the second row disappear from the query result set.