Connect to Azure EventHub

Learn how to configure an Azure EventHub Source to connect to an Azure EventHub

The Event Hubs source enables messages streaming through Azure Event Hubs to be mapped into graph nodes that can be referenced by a continuous query. It can observe multiple Event Hubs within the same Event Hubs namespace, each incoming message will upsert graph node that will carry the label of the Event Hub name, and be queryable from a continuous query.


On the computer from where you will create the Source, you need the following software:

Creating the Source

To create a Source, execute the drasi apply command as follows:

drasi apply -f my-source.yaml

The drasi apply command is how you create all new Drasi resources (in this case a Source). The -f flag specifies that the definition of the new Source is contained in the referenced YAML file my-source.yaml.

Source Definitions

The YAML file passed to drasi apply can contain one or more Source definitions. Here is an example of an EventHub source definition:

kind: Source
apiVersion: v1
name: my-source
  kind: EventHub
    connectionString: <connecting string>
    host: <Fully qualified EventHub namespace, eg.>
      - hub1
      - hub2
    bootstrapWindow: 0

In the Source resource definition:

  • apiVersion must be v1
  • kind must be Source
  • name is the id of the Source and must be unique. This id is used in a Continuous Query definitions to identify which Sources the Continuous Query subscribes to for change events.
  • spec.kind must be EventHub

The following table describes the EventHub specific properties:

Property Description
connectionString Connection string for the Event Hubs endpoint. This is only required if not using Managed Identities.
host Fully qualified EventHub namespace, eg. This is only required when using Managed Identities.
eventHubs A list of Event Hubs within the Event Hubs namespace to observe
bootstrapWindow When a query bootstraps, it can also fetch all the messages for the previous (n) minutes. This value defines how many minutes of backfill data to bootstrap the query with.

Secret Configuration

It is best practice to store the connection string to your Event Hubs instance in a secret.

kubectl create secret generic eventhub-creds --from-literal=eventHubConnectionString=...

You can then reference the secret when you create an Event Hub source as follows:

kind: Source
apiVersion: v1
name: my-source
  kind: EventHub
      kind: Secret
      name: eventhub-creds
      key: eventHubConnectionString
      - hub1
      - hub2
    bootstrapWindow: 0


The source supports the following service identities:

Microsoft Entra Workload ID

Microsoft Entra Workload Identity enables your source to authenticate to Azure without the need to store sensitive credentials. It works by creating a federated identity between a managed identity and the service account the source is running against.

Property Description
kind MicrosoftEntraWorkloadID
clientId The Client ID of the user managed identity.
kind: Source
apiVersion: v1
name: my-source
  kind: EventHub
    kind: MicrosoftEntraWorkloadID
    clientId: <Client ID of Managed Identity>
    host: <Fully qualified EventHub namespace, eg.>
      - hub1
      - hub2
    bootstrapWindow: 0
AKS Setup
  1. On the Azure portal, navigate to the Security configuration pane of your AKS cluster.
  2. Ensure Enable Workload Identity is enabled.
  3. Take note of the Issuer URL under OIDC.
  4. Create or use an existing User Assigned Managed Identity.
  5. Take note of the Client ID an the Overview pane of the Managed Identity.
  6. Grant the Azure Event Hubs Data Receiver role to the managed identity in the Access Control (IAM) pane of the EventHub namespace.
  7. Create a federated credential between the managed identity and the source.
    az identity federated-credential create \
        --name <Give the federated credential a unique name> \
        --identity-name "<Name of the User Assigned Managed Identity>" \
        --resource-group "<Your Resource Group>" \
        --issuer "<The Issuer URL from your AKS cluster OIDC configuration>" \
        --subject system:serviceaccount:"drasi-system":"source.<Name of your Source>" \
        --audience api://AzureADTokenExchange

Inspecting the Source

You can check the status of the Source using the drasi list command:

drasi list source

This will return a simple list of all Sources in the current namespace and their overall status. For example:

        ID          | AVAILABLE
  my-source         | true

If an error has occurred during the creation or operation of a Source, the AVAILABLE column will contain the error text instead of true or false.

For more details about the Source you can use the drasi describe command:

drasi describe source my-source

This will return the full definition used to create the Source along with more detailed status information.

Modifying the Source

To modify the Source, you can simply use the drasi apply command again with the same source name that you used before.

Deleting the Source

To delete a Source you use the drasi delete command. There are two ways to do this.

Firstly, you can specify the type of resource (Source) and its name, for example:

drasi delete source my-source

Secondly, you can refer to the YAML file(s) that contain the definitions used to create the Source(s):

drasi delete -f my-source.yaml <file2.yaml> <file3.yaml> <...>

This is a convenience, especially if a single YAML file contains multiple Source definitions.