
Preprocessing incoming changes with custom logic

Middleware serves as an intermediary layer that processes incoming changes from data sources before they are passed to the query engine. Middleware components are modular and can be stacked or combined in a pipeline to process incoming changes sequentially.

Its primary role is transformation, modifying or enriching the data as needed, such as normalizing values, applying mappings, or adding computed fields.

The configuration settings in the spec.sources.middleware section of the Continuous Query resource definition hold the individual middleware configurations that can be used in a pipeline for a given source.

Each middleware definition requires a name, which is referenced in by spec.sources.subscriptions.pipeline, a kind, which defines which middleware implementation to use and and properties required by that specific implementation.

Middleware components


The unwind middleware component can be used to unwind an array of values that is nested inside the properties of a Node or Relation. Unwinding the array will create new top level elements in the graph that can be referenced as such using Cypher.

The configuration for the unwind component are as follows

Property Description
kind Must be unwind
name The name of this configuration, that can be used in a source pipeline
{Node Label} The unwind configuration for all nodes with the given label.

In addition to the kind and name properties, any additional properties on this configuration object will be a dictionary of unwind configurations, where the key is the label of the incoming node.

The configuration properties for unwinding an element are as follows

Property Description
selector A JSONPath expression to locate the array to unwind within the properties of the incoming node.
label The label of the newly created child Node, there will be one for each element in the array,
key (optional) A JSONPath expression to locate a unique key for the child node within the context of the parent node. This will be used to align updates and deletes. If none is specified, then the index within the array is used.
relation The label of the relation that will be created between the parent and child nodes.


For example, imagine you had a source that produced nodes with the label of Vehicle and the properties looked like this:

    "id": "vehicle-1",
    "tires": [
            "position": "Front-Left",
            "pressure": 250
            "position": "Front-Right",
            "pressure": 258
            "position": "Rear-Left",
            "pressure": 243
            "position": "Rear-Right",
            "pressure": 252

We could unwind the tires array into top level nodes with the following metadata and corresponding query.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ContinuousQuery
name: query
      - id: source
          - sourceLabel: Vehicle
          - extract-tires
      - name: extract-tires
        kind: unwind
          - selector: $.tires[*]
            label: Tire
            key: $.position
            relation: HAS
  query: >


The map middleware component can be used to remap an incoming insert/update/delete from a source to a different insert/update/delete for another element.

The configuration properties for the map component are as follows

Property Description
kind Must be map
name The name of this configuration, that can be used in a source pipeline
{Label}.insert The map configuration for all elements with the given label, when an insert change is received from the source
{Label}.update The map configuration for all elements with the given label, when an update change is received from the source
{Label}.delete The map configuration for all elements with the given label, when a delete change is received from the source

The configuration for mapping an element is as follows

Property Description
selector A JSONPath expression to locate the part of the payload to use for the new mapped element.
op The operation to apply to the mapped element, Insert/Update/Delete
label The label of the new mapped element.
id A JSONPath expression to locate the value to use for the unique identity of the new mapped element. $ points to the root of the incoming element, and $['$selected'] points to the payload extracted by the selector expression
properties A map of JSONPath expressions. Each key will be a property name on the new element, with the value coming from the JSONPath expression. $ points to the root of the incoming element, and $['$selected'] points to the payload extracted by the selector expression.


For example, if you had a source that was an append only log of sensor readings, but your query is only ever interested in the latest value.

    "id": "log-1",
    "sensorId": "thermostat-1",
    "value": 25
    "id": "log-2",
    "sensorId": "thermostat-1",
    "value": 27
    "id": "log-3",
    "sensorId": "thermostat-1",
    "value": 28

You can remap the inserts of the SensorLog to updates of a Sensor, so if you get 3 updates for a given sensor over time, you only need to index the last one, rather than the entire history. In this configuration, the root of the SensorLog payload is selected to update a Sensor with the ID equal to the sensorId field in the incoming change payload. So instead of 3 SensorLog nodes, we now have 1 Sensor node with the current value.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ContinuousQuery
name: query
      - id: source
          - sourceLabel: SensorLog
          - extract-latest
      - kind: map
        name: extract-latest
            - selector: $
              op: Update
              label: Sensor
              id: $.sensorId
                sensorId: $.sensorId
                currentValue: $.value

  query: >